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Kingston Public Library

KPL Board Meeting Minutes – August 2015

Kingston Public Library Board Meeting

August 13, 2015

In attendance:  Mary Wesolowski, Vic King, Joe Parker, Jinx Watson, Randy Childs, Dianne Griffith; absent:  Emily Smith

  1. Joe Parker called the meeting to Order at 4:52 pm.
  2. Approval of the minutes of June 11 meeting. Vic made motion; Dianne seconded.
  3. Mary Ann presented the Board checking account balance of $14,362.48. Randy made the motion and Joe seconded.
  4. No public comments. BJ Gillum, of the Writers’ Group, said that they are now under the Arts Council, no longer officially affiliated with the Library or the Foundation. They have active members, writing books. Fall program on September 19 at Rockwood Event Center, 5-9 pm.  It’ll feature wine and cheese, soft drinks, food, catered by Jake’s. The theme will celebrate the 70’s and 80’s and have a DJ. They want to raise enough to cover the awards program and the college tuition award. Also, a silent auction will be offered. BJ said that the group is looking for donations for the auction. Steve asked if the Board wanted to continue to allow free copying by Writers’ Club members.  Board discussed and agreed if it wasn’t excessive. Next year, the Writers’ Group book will have paid ads and the Board might want to consider buying an ad to support the Writers’ Group.
  5. Regional Library not present.
  6. Director’s Report. Steve discussed the KPL website. He showed us a good website he likes from Kentucky. When the website GO DADDY went down, he requested another company, SLAM DOT, to work with him.  He has sent the KPL logo to begin a rough draft website.  Then, he can approve to go forward in the design. Monies will come out of the city budget and paid up for one year.  Joe suggested Steve go to a financial management course the Alliance is putting on. Comcast continues to offer the KPL billing problems. Roane County Chamber of Commerce invoiced $150 membership that the Board pays for. Steve mentioned that the KPL got three new laptops. LSTA technology grant supported this.  John Emch passed away and his wife has designated KPL as a memorial gift focus.  So far, KPL has received over $1,000. Dianne will write individual thanks to each donor. For Thursday programs, Ron Miller will talk on August 25th about his book and will sell books.  Humanities TN advertised another program for library talks:  Steve has talked to a professor, Dr. Derek Frisby, in the “Warriors in the Workplace” program and scheduled him for October 1, 6:30-8:00.  Steve has a request from a Kingston author and her Oklahoma publisher for another book program, tentatively scheduled for November 4.  Furniture report:  hasn’t arrived.  Two stools have arrived.  Proposed painting for the “Lorax” theme in the children’s area-light blue all around the walls near the storeroom and scenes from the book. Our two new staff members from Roane State will be a boon to the program. Vic made the motion to accept the director’s report; Jinx seconded.
  7. Old Business: a) Friends of the Library, Kingston MOU presented by Vic. The board discussed and had no amendments or changes.  Vic said he would now take it to the FOLK group and get it adopted most likely before the September KPL Board meeting. Mary Ann questioned the mission statement of the KPL.  She asked that the board review this.  B) Advertising for the Thursday program.  Electronic billboards will need to be updated around town and with various merchants.  Can we get onto Channel 15?  Joe or Vic will take Steve around to the Kingston and Midway schools to introduce him to the principals.  Perhaps we can get our notices on their websites.
  8. New Business. A) Purchasing Directions.  If Steve fills out any PO it always requires two signatures.   We did this to alleviate problems with previous administration.  It is not a policy.  It was a procedure we invented at that particular time. Joe wants to revise this, as it is cumbersome.    He suggests that we use up to $1,000 limit for Steve to sign on his own.  If it is over that amount, Steve will need the Board Chair’s signature. Vic made a motion that the PO will require two signatures if it exceeds $1,000 but the director can do his single signature if it is less than $1,000. Mary Ann seconded the motion and the board approved. B) Fines and Loan periods/limits:  Steve would like to extend the time period of DVD loans to a week.  We also limit the DVD loan to 3.  Our regular over-due fines for DVD fines are $2.00/day.  He feels this is obsolete.  He recommends that we fine all items at 20 cents a day, including DVD’s.  Steve will update his list of fines for all materials. We will include this in our minutes. Dianne made the motion to approve; Randy seconded and the Board approved that we will amend the fines to the new amounts.
  9. Recommendations for Improvement. A) Check the library shelves to make sure they are in alphabetical order.  B) A patron is so positive about cleanliness and welcoming staff.
  10. Chairman’s Comments. Joe said that Steve is easy to work with; the library is running well.  We are happy he’s doing so well.  Steve’s 6-month probation period is up next month.  Joe will send us Word docs of the evaluation form and each board member will fill it out.
  11. Next meeting date is September 10 at 5pm.
  12. Before adjourning, Steve passed on the message that the board had promised the staff a pizza party for doing the entire inventory during the spring. We decided we’d have a party during their painting ‘party’ on Thursday, August 20 at 5pm. We adjourned at 6:03.

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