The Kingston Library Board will be holding its regularly called meeting on Thursday, January 14, 2016, at 5 pm.
Thursday, January 14th, 2016
The public is encouraged to attend.
Agenda for
Thursday, January 14, 2016
1. Meeting Called to order
2. Approval of the Minutes (November 12th)
3. Election of new officers
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Public Comments
6. Regional Library (if present)
7. Director’s Report
8. Old Business:
A. Next month’s regional board meeting
B. FACT grant classes ongoing
9. New Business:
A. Budget for part-time employee salaries
B. Thursday night schedule
C. Dated promotional items
D. Volunteer application
E. Webinar training
F. Revision of policy and procedure manuals
G. Roane Imagination Library celebration of Dolly Parton’s 70th birthday
H. TN Achieves community service day
10. Recommendations for Improvement
11. Chairman’s Comments
12. Next meeting date
13. Adjournment